The texts and transcriptions on this website may exclusively be reproduced for purposes of (non-commercial) personal Dharma practice and study and for NgalSo Ganden Nyengyu lineage-affiliated non-profit organizations such as NgalSo Self-Healing groups and NgalSo Dharma centers. Downloading is free of charge. If you wish to donate, click here.
I testi e le trascrizioni su questo sito web possono essere riprodotti esclusivamente allo scopo (non commerciale) della pratica e dello studio personale del Dharma e per organizzazioni no profit affiliate alla NgalSo Ganden Nyengyu come i gruppi NgalSo Self-Healing e i centri NgalSo Dharma. Il download è gratuito. Se vuoi fare una donazione clicca qui.
Os textos e transcrições neste website podem ser reproduzidos exclusivamente para propósitos de prática e estudo pessoal (não comercial) do Dharma e para organizações sem fins lucrativos afiliadas à linhagem NgalSo Ganden Nyengyu, como os grupos de Autocura NgalSo e os centros de Dharma NgalSo. O download é gratuito. Se deseja fazer uma doação, clique aqui.
Los textos y las transcripciones en este sitio web son exclusivamente para la práctica y estudio personal del Dharma, para las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro afiliadas al linaje de NgalSo Ganden Nyengyu, como los grupos de Autocuración NgalSo y los Centros de Dharma NgalSo y en ningún caso para fines comerciales. La descarga es gratuita. Si deseas donar, clic aquí.
De teksten en transcripties op deze website mogen uitsluitend gereproduceerd worden voor (niet-commerciële) persoonlijke Dharma-beoefening en studie en door non-profit organisaties verbonden aan de NgalSo Ganden Nyengyu overdrachtslijn, zoals NgalSo Self-Healing groepen en NgalSo Dharma-centra. Downloaden is gratis. Klik hier als je een donatie wil doen.
Transcriptions Lama Gangchen
Wisdom path gift 01
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
Una pratica quotidiana per l’illuminazione
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
Ritornare alla pace
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
Parole di pace
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
Daily practice to enlightenment!
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
Video teachings part 1
Video teachings part 2
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Peace Words
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
Return to Peace
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
Opening the Flowers of Peace
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
Great Mothers Element Practice
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
The Five Element Mothers
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
Self Healing
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
Self-Healing Commentary
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
Dagelijkse beoefening op weg naar verlichting!
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
Video teachings 1
Video teachings 2
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De Bloemen van Vrede Openen
Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
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Transcriptions Lama Michel
The spiritual legacy of Lama Gangchen Rinpoche: And now we have only to blossom
Lama Michel Rinpoche
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How to be happy and not to suffer
Lama Michel Rinpoche
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How to apply spirituality in our daily life
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Video teachings
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The four seals of Buddhist philosophy
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Audio teachings
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Anger and patience
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Audio teachings
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Compassion in (mental) health care
Lama Michel Rinpoche
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Aspects of the Mind
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Video teachings
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The Nature of Reality
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Video teachings
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How can we transform pain and suffering
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Video teachings
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Meditation and Mindfulness in Health Care
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Video teachings
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La Rabbia e la Pazienza
Lama Michel
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Aula introdutória de Budismo
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Ensinamentos vídeo
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Ira y Paciencia
Lama Michel Rinpoche
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Cómo usar la mente para ser feliz
Lama Michel Rinpoche
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De weg naar geluk
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Hoe brengen we spiritualiteit in ons dagelijks leven
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Video teachings
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Aspecten van de geest
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Video teachings
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De vier zegels van de boeddhistische filosofie
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Audio teachings
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Boosheid en Geduld
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Audio teachings
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Hoe transformeren we pijn en lijden in iets betekenisvols?
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Video teachings
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Der sprituelle Nachlass von Lama Gangchen Rinpoche:
Und nun sollten wir nur noch aufblühen
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Ärger und Geduld
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Die Vier Siegel der Buddhistischen Philosophie
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Colère et patience
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Transcriptions Lama Caroline
Lama Gangchen Tantric Self-Healing 2 Commentary part 5
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Lama Gangchen Tantric Self-Healing 2 Commentary part 6
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Lama Gangchen Tantric Self-Healing 2 Commentary part 24
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1 & 2 Summer Course – Reading and Reflections – part 1
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1 & 2 Summer Course – Reading and Reflections – part 2
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1 & 2 Summer Course – Reading and Reflections – part 3
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1 & 2 Summer Course – Reading and Reflections – part 5
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1 & 2 Summer Course – Reading and Reflections – part 6
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1 & 2 Summer Course – Reading and Reflections – part 7
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1 & 2 Summer Course – Reading and Reflections – part 8
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1 & 2 Summer Course – Reading and Reflections – part 9
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1 & 2 Summer Course – Reading and Reflections – part 10
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1 & 2 Summer Course – Reading and Reflections – part 11
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1 & 2 Summer Course – Reading and Reflections – part 12
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1 & 2 Summer Course – Reading and Reflections – part 14
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1
Reading and Reflections part 2
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1
Reading and Reflections part 3
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Reflecting about Self Healing 1 part 4
with Lama Caroline & Claudio Cipullo
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1
Reading and Reflections part 5
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1
Reading and Reflections part 6
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1
Reading and Reflections part 7
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1
Reading and Reflections part 8
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-healing 1
Reading and Reflections part 9
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1
Reading and Reflections part 10
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1
Reading and Reflections part 11
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1
Reading and Reflections part 12
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Self-Healing 1
Reading and Reflections part 13
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Explanation of the Parnashawari Practice
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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How to practice Parnashawari 2
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Explanation of the Ushnishavijaya Practice
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Amitayus Long-life practice
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Explanation White Tara
Lama Caroline
Video teachings
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Playlist teachings
Introduction to the gross, subtle and very subtle elements
Day 1
The elements & me
Lama Caroline
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Day 2
Where are my inner elements?
Lama Caroline
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Day 3
Making peace with the elements
Lama Caroline
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Day 4 & 5
The elemental ‘shutting down’ process
Lama Caroline
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Práctica de Ushnishavijaya
Lama Caroline
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Práctica de Tara Blanca
Lama Caroline
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Práctica de larga vida de Amitayus
Lama Caroline
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Práctica de Parnashawari
Lama Caroline
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Cómo hacer la práctica de Parnashawari
Lama Caroline
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Autoguarigione 1 – Lettura e riflessioni parte 9
Lama Caroline
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Autoguarigione 1 – Lettura e riflessioni parte 10
Lama Caroline
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Spiegazione della pratica di Parnashawari
Lama Caroline
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Pratica di Ushnishavijaya
Lama Caroline
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Open-Eyes Chenrezig course
Lama Caroline
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Dharma Texts
Dhāraṇī of Glorious Vajraṇakhī
The Incantation of Glorious Vajra Claw
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NgalSo Rainbow Bridge to help the dying and recently deceased
A collection of prayers and practices by T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
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Combined NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing
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Guided meditations for the preliminary practices and NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing
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NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing
Preliminary prayers and practice
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Method and wisdom to realize inner peace
Four practices of lojong mind training
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Sayings of Master Atisha
excerpt from The Book of Kadam, “The sayings of the Kadam Masters”
Playlist teachings
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The six dharmas of preparation
Preliminary practices for the graduated path to enlightenment according to the text of the great Master Phabongka Dechen Nyingpo
Playlist teachings
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Preliminary and Dedication Prayers
generally performed during opening and closure of Lama Michel Rinpoche’s teachings
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Wholesome Questions and Noble Minded Answers
The melody of a noble-minded proposal by Panchen Losang Chökyi Gyaltsen as an answer to the very wholesome questions expressed with an extraordinary attitude by Lama Tsongkhapa
Playlist teachings
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The Twelve Links of Interdependence
Extracted from The Melody of a Noble Minded Proposal (by Penchen Lozang Chogyen) and from The Very Wholesome Questions Put Forth with an Extraordinary Attitude (by Lama Tsong Khapa).
Playlist teachings
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Knowing the mind Lama Michel Rinpoche
Playlist teachings
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The Heart Spoon
of raw practice of the experience of the path A trace [of notes taken by] Kyabje Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo
Playlist teachings
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The Death Process
Lama Michel Rinpoche
Playlist teachings
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The Three Principal Aspects of the Path
Lama Tsongkhapa
Playlist teachings
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Seven Point Mind Training By Chekawa Yeshe Dorje, edited by Kyabje Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo
Playlist teachings
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The Jewel Garland of the Bodhisattva
composed by the Indian preceptor Atisha Dipamkara Shrijinana
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United Peace Songs
Spiritual Verses and Songs by T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, the Lord of Mahasiddhas and His Disciples
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Dhāraṇī della Gloriosa Vajraṇakhī
L’incantesimo della Gloriosa Artiglio Vajra
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Il Ponte Arcobaleno NgalSo per aiutare coloro che hanno appena lasciato il corpo di Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
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Meditazione guidata delle pratiche preliminari e dell’Autoguarigione Tantrica Ngalso
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Autoguarigione Tantrica NgalSo
Preghiere preliminari e pratica
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Metodo e saggezza per realizzare la pace interiore
Quattro pratiche dell’addestramento mentale del lojong
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Gli insegnamenti del Maestro Atisha
estratto dal The Book of Kadam, “The sayings of the Kadam Masters”
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I sei dharma di preparazione
Pratiche preliminari per il sentiero graduale all’illuminazione secondo il testo del grande maestro Phabongka Dechen Nyingpo
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Domande benefiche e risposte di una nobile mente
La melodia di una proposta disposta con nobile mente da Panchen Losang Chökyi Ghialtsen come risposta alle Domande benefiche poste con una straordinaria attitudine da Lama Tsong Khapa
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I Dodici Anelli dell’Interdipendenza
Tratto da: “La Melodia del Proponimento della Nobile Mente”, di Panchen Lozang Chogyen e da: le domande estremamente benefiche esposte con attitudine straordinaria” dall’incomparabile Re del Dharma, il grande Tzong Khapa.
Playlist insegnamenti Clicca qui per donare
Il processo della morte
Lama Michel Rinpoche
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Il cucchiaio (per gustare)
l’essenza dell’esperienza diretta del sentiero Una traccia [degli appunti presi da] Kiabje Pabongkha Dechen Nyngpo
Playlist insegnamenti Clicca qui per donare
Conoscere la mente Lama Michel Rinpoche
Playlist insegnamenti Clicca qui per donare
La ghirlanda di gioielli del Bodhisattva
Testo composto dal grande pandita indianoAtisha Dipamkara Shrijinana
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I tre aspetti principali del sentiero
di Lama Tsongkhapa
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L’addestramento mentale in sette punti Testo composto da Chekawa Yeshe Dorje (1101-1175) editado da Kyabje Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo
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Preghiere preliminari e dediche NgalSo
Generalmente eseguiti durante l’apertura e la chiusura degli insegnamenti di Lama Michel Rinpoche
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United Peace Songs
Versi e canzoni spirituali di T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, il Signore dei Mahasiddha e dei Suoi Discepoli
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Os três principais aspectos do caminho
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A transformação da mente
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Preces NgalSo de Introdução e de Dedicação
Transcrição fonética do sânscrito e do tibetano das orações e mantras feitos por Lama Michel Rinpoche no início e no fim dos ensinamentos.
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Autocuracion del Medioambiente
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Método y sabiduría para realizar la paz interior
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Meditación Guiada de las prácticas preliminares y la Autocuración Tántrica NgalSo
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Los doce vínculos interdependientes
A través del estudio de los doce vínculos podemos comprender cómo funciona el proceso kármico que nos mantiene en el ciclo de sufrimiento de la rueda de la vida y cómo romper las cadenas que nos mantienen presos en él para ser libres.
Audio enseñanzas
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El proceso de la muerte
Lama Michel Rinpoche
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La guirnalda de joyas del Bodisatva
Texto compuesto por el gran Pandita Indio:Atisha Dipamkara Shrijinana
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Los tres principales aspectos del camino
En este texto, Lama Tsonkahapa nos resume brevemente el camino a la iluminación en tres puntos esenciales: amarse a uno mismo (renuncia), amar a los demás (bodichita) y desarrollar una correcta visión de la realidad. Estos tres, son los fundamentos de cualquier practica espiritual que conducen a la iluminación y la esencia de todas las enseñanzas del Buda.
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Wholesome Questions and Noble Minded Answers
The melody of a noble-minded proposal by Panchen Losang Chökyi Gyaltsen as an answer to the very wholesome questions expressed with an extraordinary attitude by Lama Tsongkhapa
Playlist teachings
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