NgalSo Lam Rim and Chenresig Sem Nyi NgalSo – Mahamudra form of Chenrezig (English – Italian) – 2/5 June 2016

NgalSo Lam Rim and Chenresig Sem Nyi NgalSo – Mahamudra form of Chenrezig (English – Italian) – 2/5 June 2016

Lama Gangchen will introduce us to the first volume of his Jewelled Staircase teachings of sutra and tantra that explain how to practice from the point of view of an absolute beginner, through the stages of developing the geat mahayana heart up to the dawning of the correct view of reality, emptiness and dependent arising. He will also give the jenang blessing empowerment of the Special Mahamudra form of Chenrezig Sem Nyi Ngalso, Chenrezig Relaxing in the Natural State of the Mind.

Ngalso Lam Rim and Chenresig Sem Nyi Ngalso – Mahamudra form of Chenrezig - Part 1 - 04/29/2024 at 9:27 pm