Empowerment and practice of Chenresig Senge connected with five Supreme healers (English – Italian) – 1/5 November 2017

Empowerment and practice of Chenresig Senge connected with five Supreme healers (English – Italian) – 1/5 November 2017

This is a special healing form of Chenrezig that heals our damaged relationship with the environment. As a result of not being aware of our environmental impact we harm the inner and outer worlds, creating many outer and inner sicknesses, many of which are difficult to cure according the western paridigm such as psychological disturbances chronic fatigue auto immune diseases etc . We will be using a special sadhana written by Lama Gangchen’s past incarnation, a great tantric master called Panchen Zangpo Tashi.

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Empowerment and practice of Chenresig Senge connected with five Supreme healers - part 1 - 18/05/2024 05:38