Empowerment and Practice of Usnisha Vijaya (English-Italian) – 7/8 February 2015

Empowerment and Practice of Usnisha Vijaya (English-Italian) – 7/8 February 2015

Ushnishavijaya (Tsug tor nam par gyal ma in Tibetan or Namgyalma in its commonly used form) is a special emanation of Supreme Healer Vairochana and is one of the three main long life deities of the Ganden Nyingyu tradition, the other two being White Tara and Amitayus.

Ushnishavijaya is also considered an emanation of Prajnaparamita, the Perfection of Wisdom and Mother of All the Buddhas.

Empowerment and Practice of Usnisha Vijaya - Part 1 - 05/05/2024 18:42