Vesak Celebration – Empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and teachings (English – Italian) – 27/28 May 2017

Vesak Celebration – Empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and teachings (English – Italian) – 27/28 May 2017

Vesak is the most important of Buddhist festivals in which celebrates the Conception, Enlightenment and Parinirvana of Buddha Shakyamuni. It has been recognised as a day of world importance by the United Nations for the message of universal peace and joy which for centuries Vesak has transmitted to humanity.
This year we will be celebrating with the Buddha Shakyamuni Empowerment conferred by Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, teachings from Lama Michel Rinpoche and Lama Caroline

Vesak Celebration - Empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and teachings - part 1 - 28/05/2017 00:00