Swift Return Project


When a great master such as Lama Gangchen Rinpoche leaves His body, there are many things that we, as disciples, should do as signs of gratitude and to create the necessary causes and conditions for His swift return back among us. The only way to make these projects become reality is with support of all the Sangha.


To participate, please donate to:

By Bank Transfer
Name: Kunpen Lama Gangchen
IBAN: IT62V0306909606100000161078
Bank: Banca Intesa San Paolo, Ag. 55000- FILIALE ACCENTRATA TER S
Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 10 – 20121 Milano
ABI: 03069
CAB: 09606
Purpose of the transfer: swift return

By PayPal or credit card
Click on the following link: http://bit.ly/swiftreturn