White Heruka of long Life Empowerment and practice (English – Italian) – 13/14 June 2015

White Heruka of long Life Empowerment and practice (English – Italian) – 13/14 June 2015

This is a very special long life practice which combines the blessings of Heruka with NgalSo Self Healing and a special method to gather around us the essence energy of the five elements. Receiving the Empowerment from Lama Ganchen we will do a short retreat to develop familiarity with the practice. Fundamentally this practice consists of 1 repossessing lost life energy 2 regenerating degenerated life energy using pranayana to absorb the essence of the five elements, increasing our positive karma and renewing our vows. 3 increasing our longevity by means of special long life pills. 4 other very secret methods for a long life which will be revealed at the time.

White Heruka Empowerment and practice - Part 1 - 04/24/2024 at 10:50 am